Baby tricycle kids balance bike
Up to 20kg   –  10m to 5Y
Scooter with seat for toddlers
Up to 50kg   –  15m to 9+
Adjustable balance bike for toddlers
Up to 25kg   –  2+
3 – wheel scooter for toddlers
Up to 50kg   –  2 to 6+
3 wheel scooter for kids
Up to 50kg   –  3 to 7+
3 wheel foldable, light-up scooters
Up to 50kg   –  3 to 9+
3 wheel foldable scooters; XL in size
Up to 50kg   –  4 to 14Y
3 wheel foldable scooters with adjustable steering system
Up to 100kg   –  5+ to adults
2 wheel scooters for kids & teens
Up to 100kg   –  6+ to adults
Electric scooter for kids
Up to 50kg   –  6 to 14Y
3 wheel foldable scooters; XL in size
(Up to 50kg   –  4 to 14Y)
3 wheel foldable scooters for teens with adjustable steering system
(Up to 100kg   –  5+ to adults)
2 wheel scooters for kids & teens
(Up to 100kg   –  6+ to adults)
GS stunt scooters
(Up to 100kg   –  8+)
Big wheel scooters for kids & teens
(Up to 100kg   –  8+ to adults)
2 wheel foldable scooters for
8+ to adults
(Up to 100kg   – 8+ to adults)
Electric scooters for teens
(50-100kg – 8+ to 14Y/14 to adults)
3 wheel foldable scooters for adults with adjustable steering system
Up to 100kg   –  5+ to adults
2 wheel adult foldable scooter
Up to 100kg   –  14+ to adults
2 wheel foldable scooters for
8+ to adult
Up to 100kg   –  8+ to adults
Electric scooters for adults
Up to 100kg   –  14+ to adults
Scooter with extra-wide seat & LED lights. The product that adapts as your child grows.
Stunt scooter for kids, teens and adults aged 6+ with an aluminium scooter deck and FLEX steel rear brake.
Award-winning 3-wheel electric scooter for kids with 80W hub motor.
All-in-one baby tricycle for toddlers aged 18 months+ and balance bike for kids aged 2 to 5 years.
For orders above AED 250
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3-wheel foldable scooter for kids aged 4 to 14 years with easy & safe and one push button folding system.
Premium 3 wheel foldable scooter for kids aged 3+ with light-up wheels.
3-wheel light-up scooter for kids with patterned scooter deck.